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Let’s meet in Hannover, explore Kyland’s new innovation Software Defined Control

  • Date:2019-03-28
  • View:4096


From April 1 to 5, KYLAND will be debut at the Hannover Messe 2019 (HMI2019) with the theme of "Pioneering Software Defined Control". KYLAND will also unveil a new generation of industrial server NEWPRE, and give it a new connotation based on its insight and practice in the field of industrial Internet: Software defined control based on Intewell OS through virtualization technology will enable customers to realize business collaboration and agile innovation and establish a platform for intelligent industry, and help customers enter an intelligent era of industrial control.


Launching a new generation of edge computing server for industrial control to lead the evolution of intelligent industry

KYLAND will unveil a new generation of industrial server 'NEWPRE' to the intelligent industry based on its 20 years of industrial Internet practice and customer business needs. The server integrates the real-time and non-real-time control systems such as edge computing, process control, industrial vision, motion control, protocol conversion, etc. horizontally through software-defined technology, and vertically opens up the platform of end-to-edge network cloud. It is characterized by integration, intelligence, real-time and flexible expansion. It can make leading enterprises more powerful, challenge the field of intelligent industry, and also help industrial manufacturing enterprises to stand at a higher starting point and give full play to the advantages of agile innovation.


Joining hands with Intel, to paint a colorful future for the intelligent industry

As an important global partner of Intel in the field of industrial Internet and a member of the Intel Internet of Things Solutions Alliance, KYLAND demonstrated the software defined control based on virtualization technology in the Intel booth, sharing the best practices of industrial control transformation: using software defined technology to make an industrial server virtualize 20 PLCs to complete motion control under AI visual recognition. Based on software defined control, it can flexibly load a wide range of industrial applications to help customers transform the intelligent industry with "agile and intelligent" as its core.



Four star products, fulfill the potential of industrial integration and intelligence


  • As an edge computing server for smart city, HOURSIS integrates edge computing, IOT platform, localized big data and AI control, and becomes an intelligent node of a smart city's neural network. It supports intelligent traffic adaptive management, flexible access to various city IOT sensing terminals, and flexible loading of city management applications which can be the  access and management platform for city management.

  • HYPERIE, an edge computing server for smart grid, innovatively integrates edge computing, software defined control, big data and other technologies into the grid control system. It integrates the functions of primary equipment monitoring, protection, measurement, remote motors, switches and other substation secondary equipment, bringing revolutionary changes to the safe operation, management and maintenance of the power grid.

  • NEWPRE, an edge computing server for industrial control, truly realizes intelligent manufacturing by software defined control, reduces investment costs and operating costs, flexibly expands production line applications and improves industrial production efficiency.

  • AUTBUS, a real-time high bandwidth fieldbus, is a perfect combination of the advantages of traditional industrial fieldbus and ethernet bus. AUTBUS is based on IPv6 two-wire broadband bus technology, with sufficient bandwidth of over 100 M and a minimum 8us data cycle period to support new critical real-time business applications. AUTBUS high-performance bus initiated by KYLAND has now become an international standard: IEC61158- Type 28, IEC61784- CP 22.


The Industrial Internet Platform (Intewell) built by KYLAND supports the successful digital transformation of customers in various industries with its partners through edge computing servers and solutions based on software defined control.


At this messe, KYLAND booths are located at HALL6, B46 and D46. You are invited to visit and exchange, and jointly experience and explore the application of new technologies such as software defined, edge computing, AI and IPV6&TSN compatible two-wire bus in the future industry. We will discuss the strategies and plans for future industrial transformation and upgrading with your esteemed customers and colleagues in the industry.



During the messe, KYLAND will conduct live video and graphic live presentation through the industrial control network and its own WeChat platform, as well as professional introduction and in-depth interpretation of the industry trends and future technologies by well-known experts and senior media at KYLAND booths.


Please pay attention to Hannover, KYLAND and Software Defined Control.